Maroochydore Junior Activities
Surf Life Saving • Maroochydore, Queensland


from 6:00am Wed, 25 Sep 2019 to 4:00pm Fri, 27 Sep 2019
by Natalie jarrott
Expectations Whilst on Boot Camp
As the name suggests, this will be the hardest most challenging 3 days of your athletic life so
The aim of this camp is to push the physical and mental capabilities of serious competitors
to places they have not been before. We are looking for a one in all in team approach to
every training session and we are talking 4 sessions a day. These sessions will all be
challenging with activities like stair and hill running, Iron and extended board sessions.
Attendees are expected to compete all sessions in full regardless of how much one’s body
may ache. Athletes should have a very good level of fitness prior to attending. Should there
be any pre-existing injury concerns this is not the time to test the body and you may be
better served resting at home.
This camp is something for all nippers to aspire to, however caution is needed to make sure
you are up to the challenge. This camp has a proud tradition of sweat and hard work forged
by your predecessors. This tradition needs to be upheld, so before you apply make sure you
are ready for all the challenges that will come.